Mathilde Rance
Compagnie Myxomycètes

Choreographer, dancer and musician Mathilde Rance founded the Myxomycètes company in 2020. Her approach questions the structural fundamentals of popular rites and traditional rituals to explore the potential of a rebellious and emancipatory dance. The utopia of a ‘demiurgic’ artistic act leading to a rethinking of established social order and norms, both politically and aesthetically, guides his work.

Musical bodies, everyday objects turned into costumes, scenography or sound objects, scenic
devices for the stage and the public space – these are the aesthetic components that drive her
work, offering audiences powerful, sometimes disconcerting, experiences.

(« Myxomycete” is the scientific term for the unclassifiable organism better known as the Blob,
neither animal, plant nor fungus. Identifying with this strangeness, Mathilde Rance sees her
choreographic work as an organic process that feeds off the substratum of a terrain, giving rise to
unpredictable forms.)